Civil War Photo

Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children

Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children
Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children

Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children    Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children

I have been told by a collector they are Ambrotype photos. The photos are of two children, brother and sister?

Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children    Antique Ambrotype Photos, U S Civil War Children